Upcoming Courses and Workshops

Chinese Medicine and Consciousness with Mark Siegrist. Sunday February 9, 1:30 - 2:30pm. Overview: A free talk about the traditional chinese medicine interpretation of consciousness.

Sacred Self Care with Lisa Irons and Sue Siegrist. Saturday February 15, 1-2:30pm. Overview: Renew yourself with Restorative Yoga and Reiki, an affirmations workshop, and a Cacao and affirmation activation ceremony.

Meditation and Tea with Mark & Sue Siegrist. Sunday February 16, 1-2:30pm. Overview: A Meditation talk, Tea Ceremony, and Traditional Seated Group Meditation Practice.

The Art of Intuition Series with Lisa Irons - The Pendulum. Friday February 21 6:30 - 7:30. Overview: Learn how to use the pendulum to answer your own intuitive questions.

Blue Botanica Herbal Course with Rebekah Barlup ND. Free Intro to Herbalism course Monday February 10, 3-5pm and Sunday February 23, 1:30 - 3:30. Full 5 class course starting April 27. Overview: Learn about Herbal Resources, History, How To Determine Quality of Herbs, Herbal Preparation and Recipes, and Ten Organ Systems of the body and the plants that support them.

The Hero's Journey Through Yoga - Reframing your Future through your Past with Sue Siegrist. March 11, 15, 21, and 22. Overview: Celebrate the Astrological New Year with a new plan for your future. Includes goal setting, Life Assessment, LIfe Business Plan, Crafting a New Moon Affirmation Book, Spring Equinox Ceremony, and writing the Hero’s journey of the self through yoga.

Elemental Breathwork is a sacred ceremony that takes you on a journey back to your Self, brings you in touch with your higher purpose, and fulfills your sacred intentions.

Elemental Breathwork combines music, breathing, intentions, ceremony, energy work, and mandala processing; a blend that works perfectly to sweeten your physical and/or spiritual healing.

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Elemental Breathwork

Join us for an ionic foot detox soak, with our host Debi!


Schedule Online

Friday, February 21 @5:00pm


QiGong with Sifu Mark

Join us to practice Qigong with Sifu Mark Siegrist.
Qigong is an ancient holistic system of coordinated body postures and movement, breathing, and meditation used for health, spirituality, and martial arts training.
$12 drop in, or use your class card! 
Reserve your spot, or drop in!


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Day of Mindfulness

Join us for this six hour Day of Mindfulness, which features a variety of meditations based on the teachings of Jon Kabot Zin, Through the mindfulness training of Craig Shollenberger, this day is meant to simulate a meditation retreat. Please reserve your spot, or call us for more information!



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